Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

City of Port Moody Bylaw No. 3327 states that all dogs four months and older require a valid licence. If you are licensing your spayed or neutered dog for the first time, we require a copy of the veterinarian’s certificate of spaying or neutering with your application form.

NOTE: This form is for new dog licences only. If you are renewing an existing dog licence, you can do so at myPortMoody.

Dog Information

Is your dog spayed or neutered?

Get your puppy’s picture on file!
We’ve started adding pictures to our database of dogs. In the event your pooch goes missing, it’s great for us to a have a photo on file. If you’d like to participate, send one current photo of your dog.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Owner Information

Are you applying for the senior's rate?

2023 Licence Fees

  Before Feb. 1 2023 Aftter Feb. 1 2023 
Puppies under 1 year old $20.00 $20.00
Spayed or neutered dog $46.00 $52.00 
Senior's rate (65+) for spayed or neutered dog  $30.00 $30.00
Unfixed dog  $74.00 $80.00
Aggressive dog*  $268.00 $268.00
Vicious dog*  $560.00 $560.00
Replacement of lost tag $17 $17

*as defined by City of Port Moody Bylas No. 3327

How to pay for your licence:
1. Mail a cheque and this form to 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody, B.C., V3H 5C3. Please do not mail cash.
2. Drop off a cheque and the completed form in the Finance drop box at City Hall. It’s in the breezeway near the rear parking lot, opposite the Port Moody Public Library book drop.
3. In person at City Hall
4. Online

Senior's rate for a spayed or neutered dog
The City offers $30 dog licences for residents 65 years of age and over. Your dog must be spayed or neutered, and dogs who are deemed aggressive or vicious do not qualify for the reduced fee. 

Payment & Tag Delivery
Once the application is received, the applicant will receive an email advising them of how to make the online payment. Once payment has been received a dog tag will be mailed to your address. 

Collection of information
Personal information is collected by the City of Port Moody pursuant to Section 26 of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 165. Questions regarding this collection of information can be directed to the City’s Legislative Services department by email at or mail at 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody, B.C. V3H 5C9.