Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Multi-Family Parking Permit Application

Before applying, please review the eligible address list to ensure that you are eligible for a multi-family parking pass.  

If you are applying for the first time or renewing, the fee is $70.68.

How to pay for your Multi-Family Parking Permit
Once your application gets approved, you can pay one of three ways:

  1. Online
  2. In person - City Hall, second floor, Monday to Friday between 8:30am-5pm
  3. Mail a cheque (please include your Multi-Family Parking Permit folder number)

Tag or Sticker Delivery

A tag or sticker will be mailed to your home after your application is approved and payment is received.

  • If you are applying for a pass for the first time, we will mail you a tag with a current year sticker.
  • If you are renewing an existing pass, we will mail you a curren year sticker that will cover the previous year sticker on your existing pass.

The permit is valid from the date of purchase until December 31, 2025. There is a limit of one permit per household.

Do you own or rent?
Are you renewing a parking pass or applying for a new one?

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Collection of information
Personal information is collected by the City of Port Moody pursuant to Section 26 of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 165 and will only be used by authorized City staff for the purposes of operating the myPortMoody program and providing the services available through the myPortMoody portal. Questions regarding this collection of information can be directed to the City’s Legislative Services department by email at or mail at 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody, B.C. V3H 5C9.