Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Newport Digital Sign Request Form for Renters

The Newport Digital Sign is located at the corner of Ioco Road and Newport Drive, and displays information of interest to the community.

Shows/events will be displayed for a maximum of two weeks, free of charge. The two weeks can be consecutive (the two weeks leading up to the show/event) or split into two separate weeks (one week several weeks prior to the show/event, and the week leading up to the show/event). If the show/event is sold out the image will be removed from the Newport Digital Sign to allow space for others to promote their show/event. Requests must be submitted a minimum of four weeks in advance of the first date requested.

Please indicate if you would like your image displayed consecutively or split up:

Designing your image

Good to know: It is easier for the public to read and remember your show/event details when your sign is simple. Keep the content to no more than 3-4 lines and include the show/event name, date(s), time(s), event location, and way for the public to get tickets or more information. This could be in the form of a website (i.e., email address or phone number. We also encourage you to include a single image and/or logo in your design.

NDS sample for IT Renters   NDS sample for IT Renters (2)   NDS example for IT renters (3)

Content that may be considered offensive or inappropriate will not be accepted, and animation, videos and QR codes are not permitted. The City reserves the right to decline a request to post a message or to alter the posting period if necessary.

Please adhere to the following image specifications:

  • One image - uncompressed RGB jpeg or png file format
  • Image size has to be 640 x 384 pixels (96 dpi)
  • Font size should be between 40 and 60 point

Image not meeting the above specifications will be rejected.


Allowed extensions jpg, jpeg, png

Do you want a copy of the completed form emailed to you?

The personal information collected on this form is collected, used, retained, disclosed, and disposed of in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Should you have any questions or concerns about the collection of your personal information, please contact the Information and Privacy Coordinator at 604-469-4571 or